

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is a way of verifying that people logging into our systems are indeed the people we think they are. 在这个时代,恶意和网络钓鱼电子邮件攻击每天都在发生, MFA provides a way to limit the impact of these attacks and help ensure that only authorized people are accessing our systems.



In order to use multi-factor authentication with your Central Methodist University account, 您需要确保满足以下先决条件:

  • You have a device that can receive SMS texts and/or download the Microsoft Authenticator app


首先,验证您是否满足上述先决条件. Then, you will need your mobile phone, a computer, and Internet access to complete the setup.

1. 选择您的多因素验证选项

When you sign into your O365 account, an additional verification request is sent to you. The following are a list of methods that can be used for this second type of verification.

Tech Services recommends the Microsoft Authenticator App method - while it takes a bit longer to set up, 这是一种快速验证选项,你只需在手机上点击“批准”即可.

验证方法 描述
电话 A call is placed to a your mobile phone asking you to verify that it is you signing in. 按手机上的#键完成验证过程. 
短信 短信发送到您的移动电话与6位数字的代码. 输入此代码以完成验证过程.
Mobile app notification (requires download of Microsoft Authenticator App on your phone) A verification request is sent to your mobile phone asking you to complete the verification by selecting Verify/Approve from the mobile app. 如果应用通知是主要的验证方法,就会发生这种情况. If you receive this notification when you are not signing in, you can report it as fraud.
Verification code with mobile app (requires download of Microsoft Auntenticator App on your phone) 设备上的移动应用程序会生成一个验证码. 如果您选择验证码作为主要验证方法,就会发生这种情况.
2. 在您的手机上下载微软认证应用程序
  1. 进入App Store
  2. 搜索Microsoft Authenticator
  3. 点击微软认证应用程序下载
  4. 点击“Get”开始安装
  5. 安装应用程序后,单击“打开”.
  6. 在“验证者想要向您发送通知”屏幕上点击“允许”
  7. 在“帐户”界面,轻按“添加帐户”
  8. 在“您要添加哪种帐户”下面?“选择工作或学校帐户.
  9. 将出现一个弹出框,询问“验证者”想要访问摄像机?”
  10. Tap OK (You will need to take a picture of the QR code found in the next step of setup instructions).
  11. 您的相机将打开并准备记录QR码. 暂时放下手机,打开电脑. 
  1. 进入“应用程序”,选择“Play Store”
  2. 搜索Microsoft Authenticator
  3. 点击安装
  4. 安装应用程序后,单击“打开”.
  5. 在账户屏幕上,单击ADD ACCOUNT
  6. 在“您要添加哪种帐户”下面?“选择工作或学校帐户.
  7. A pop up box will appear asking, “Allow Authenticator to take pictures and record video?”
  8. Tap ALLOW (You will need to take a picture of the QR code found in the next step of setup instructions).
  9. 您的相机将打开并准备记录QR码. 暂时放下手机,打开电脑. 
3. MFA Setup in Office 365 using the Mobile App (Note: if you previously set up MFA and have a new phone/lost your phone see the FAQs for instructions)

在计算机上的Office 365中完成其余的设置过程.  在接下来的步骤中,你也需要把手机放在身边.

在Office 365中设置多因素身份验证

注意:这些说明适用于第一次/初始设置MFA.  如果您想更改当前使用的验证方法, follow the instructions in the FAQs Section at the bottom of the page  - "How do I to change my verification method?"

  1. 确保你已经在手机上下载了微软身份验证应用程序.
  2. 进入传送门.办公室.com
  3. 用您的Eagle邮件帐户在您的计算机上登录Office 365 & 密码. 点击你名字下的蓝框上面写着"立即设置"
  4. 在步骤1旁边的下拉框中:我们应该如何与您联系? 选择移动应用
  5. 在你想如何使用移动应用程序旁边?  选择“接收验证通知”.
  6. 点击设置.
  7. 您将在计算机上看到“配置移动应用程序”对话框.  (你的智能手机上应该已经安装了这款应用).  在手机上打开Authenticator应用程序
  8. 扫描浏览器中显示的QR图像.
  9. 一旦您成功扫描了图像, 您的帐户将自动添加到您手机上的Authenticator应用程序中, 它会显示一个六位数的代码.
  10. 在您的计算机上,在Office 365页面的浏览器中选择“联系我”.
  11. 接下来,您将验证Office 365是否可以访问您的手机.
  12. 你应该会在手机上收到推送通知. 轻按审批/验证(Android/iPhone)
  13. 在您的计算机上,接下来您将看到以下屏幕.  O365 sets up an initial app 密码 for you to use with other applications so these other apps can connect to your Office 365 account.  如果你正在使用其他应用程序,比如安卓手机上的默认电子邮件, you'll need to create an app 密码 so these other apps can connect to your Office 365 account.
  14. Go to your mobile phone and open up your default email account (Note:  iPhone users - if you are using iOS 11 on your phone you will not need to use the app 密码 for the default mail app).   You will need to change your 密码 to the app 密码 provided by Office 365 (like the one shown on the screenshot above).
  15. 您的手机现在应该可以访问Office 365了. 打开电脑,在浏览器中单击“完成”.

 如何 设置MFA认证应用程序,而不需要第二个设备.

You are now set up to use 多因素身份验证 on Office 365 and on your mobile phone default email application.



MFA is a security method for your account that helps verify that you are actually the person who is logging into your account.


  1. 你用鹰邮的用户名登录你的账户 & 密码.
  2. 然后,您将通过设置过程中选择的方法(文本)获得通知, 电话, 或者手机应用验证)来验证你是否登录了你的账户. 


MFA比密码更安全, 因为它依赖于两种形式的认证:你知道的东西, 还有你随身携带的东西. 你知道的东西就是你的密码. The something you have with you is a phone or device that you commonly have with you. 当您的帐户受到两步验证保护时, that means that a malicious hacker can't sign in as you if they get your 密码 somehow because they don't have access to your phone, 太.

Here is an example:  Let's say a unscrupulous person in Antarctica steals your Eagle mail username and 密码.  When that person attempts to log into your account they will be prompted to verify who they are with MFA (either with a text, 电话, 或通过手机应用程序).  既然你手上有手机, when the notification is sent they will not be able to provide this verification and are less likely to  be able to access your account.

您将收到有人试图访问您的帐户的警报.  既然你知道那不是你, 然后你就可以确保更改密码,阻止网络罪犯.




  • 文本
  • 给你的手机打个电话
  • 电话 to an alternate phone (only available if you have added another number in MFA)
  • 批准请求(仅适用于Microsoft Authenticator App用户)
  • 来自移动应用的验证码(仅适用于Microsoft Authenticator app用户)

Note:  You can add an alternate phone number at any time by going to the security settings in O365 for MFA


If you didn't receive the notification on your phone you can choose to have the verification resent or choose a different method of verification.


  1. 在电脑上,转到 http://outlook.com/owa/0857love.com
  2. 用username@centralmethodist登录Office 365.Edu和您的相关密码.
  3. When the two-step verification page opens, choose Use a different verification option. 
  4. 选择您想要使用的验证选项.
  5. 继续进行两步验证.

如果您想更改通过Office 365接收验证的方式, 您可以从以下几个选项中选择:

  • 呼叫您的认证电话
  • 向您的身份验证手机发送一个代码
  • Notify you through a push notification on the Microsoft Authenticator app - (If you want to use the Microsoft Authenticator App download the app first, 然后按照下面的说明操作.)
  • 从App中输入代码


  1. 您可以点击此链接打开 附加安全验证页面你可以去 额外的安全验证 按照以下步骤进行页面设置:

    1. 登录到 鹰邮门户.
    2.  安全信息 select 更新信息.
What if I get a new phone (with the same phone number) and need to update the Microsoft Authenticator App?


  1. 在电脑上,转到: http://account.activedirectory.windowsazure.com/proofup.aspx?proofup=1\
  2. 您将被提示与MFA验证-选择“遇到麻烦”? 以另一种方式登录”,然后选择文本选项进行验证.
  3. 在“你的首选选项是什么”下面?,点击下拉箭头,确保选中“通知我通过应用程序”.
  4. 确保选中Authenticator App旁边的框,然后单击Configure.
  5. 在你的新手机上安装微软认证程序.  
  6. 在app中添加一个账号,选择“工作或学校账号”
  7. 扫描电脑上的二维码,然后点击下一步.
  8. 6位验证码就会出现在你的手机上.  然后系统会提示您验证是否使用该应用程序. 一旦您成功验证,您就可以关闭O365.

设置第二个/备用电话号码很重要. Because your primary phone number and your mobile app are probably on the same phone, the secondary phone number is the only way you will be able to get back into your account if your phone is lost or stolen without having to 联系 the 技术服务 help desk.

注意:如果您无法访问您的主要电话号码, 需要我帮你进入你的账户, 联系 helpdesk@0857love.com


  1. 你也可以去 额外的安全验证 按照以下步骤进行页面设置:

    1. 登录到 鹰邮门户.
    2.  安全信息 select 更新信息.


  • Sign in using your alternate authentication phone number, if you previously set one up.
  • If you didn't set up an alternate authentication phone number you will need to 联系 the tech desk for assistance.

Download the Microsoft Authenticator App on any mobile device, one example would be an iPad.  请联系帮助台讨论您的选择.

